The urban tour is led by René Binette of the Écomusée du fier monde and starts at the museum for a return to the past!
For the past few months, Sacré-Coeur Church has been home to a permanent exhibition and five large bells. Once perched in the bell tower, they have become versatile percussion instruments ! More than just the story of a parish and its neighborhood Sonnent les siècles is a testament to the desire to connect many different heritages: architectural, religious and sound. The spring of 2022 marks the centenary of the fire of the first Sacré-Coeur church. A century later, we propose to bring this angular episode to life in history and music !
In this context, the Écomusée du fier monde, in collaboration with the Laboratoire de recherche et de création vocale and the Sacré-Coeur parish, is offering several activities such as open houses in the church, commented visits of the exhibition, guided tours and mini-concerts in the nave.
Saturday May 14, 1pm : departure of the guided tour
Sunday May 15, 1pm : departure of the guided tour
On reservation. In french only.
Photo : Écomusée du fier monde.